97764 2750 619955677 info@farmacia-sant-jordi.es
Dl a Dv de 9h a 13:30h i 16:30h a 20:30h · Ds 9h a 13:30h i 17h a 21h ·
Juliol/Agost Dl a Ds de 9h a 13:30h i 17:00h a 21:00h ·
Pharmacy Sant Jordi
Choose your favourite colourand relax while our specialist does yourmanicure with our Mavala products andbenefit from exclusive conditions.You will also get personalised tips and ideas to beable to take care of your nails properly!
Let out specialist do yourmakeup and learn tips and techniques for a spectacular makeup look.
Receive our tips to take care of yourself on the inside and on the outside. We invite you to participate in our special dermocosmetic days.